Contact Details
Phone: 03 5862 1144
Corner of Nelson St & Orchard St,
Numurkah VIC 3636

PO BOX 211,
Numurkah VIC 3636

Effluent Handling Equipment


NDServices have a solution that is right for all your waste needs.

Installing the correct Effluent Handling Equipment is critical for a reliable Effluent System.

NDServices can design and/or install reliable Farm Effluent systems with emphasis on installing the correct equipment that will handle the solid content of the waste without creating blockages or excessive wear.

We offer a full range of efficient and cost effective Effluent Handling Equipment and Machinery, including Manure Pumps, Pontoons & Stirrers, Pond Agitators & Liquid Manure Spreaders.

We can also repair your existing effluent handling equipment.


Click on pictures to enlarge.

Effluent Handling Equipment
Yardmaster Effluent Handling Equipment
Yardmaster Effluent Handling Equipment Pontoon
Effluent Pond Stirrer

Green2go™ Livestock Manure Pond Treatment

 An effective bacterial blend specially formulated to decrease odours,    solids & sludge accumulation in animal effluent ponds.

 No toxic chemicals.

 Reduces the need for invasive & costly machinery.

Green2Go Effluent Waste


Yard Wash Systems

The days of dragging a hose around for half an hour or more hosing down the Dairy yards are a thing of the past. We have solutions to reduce the cleaning of your Dairy yard to less than five minutes with YardBlaster or YardMaster wash systems.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Yard Wash Systems
Yardblaster Yard Wash System
Yardblaster Yard Wash System Hydrant
Yardblaster Yard Wash System