Contact Details
Phone: 03 5862 1144
Corner of Nelson St & Orchard St,
Numurkah VIC 3636
PO BOX 211,
Numurkah VIC 3636
Phone: 03 5862 1144
Corner of Nelson St & Orchard St,
Numurkah VIC 3636
PO BOX 211,
Numurkah VIC 3636
Effluent Handling Equipment
NDServices have a solution that is right for all your waste needs.
Installing the correct Effluent Handling Equipment is critical for a reliable Effluent System.
NDServices can design and/or install reliable Farm Effluent systems with emphasis on installing the correct equipment that will handle the solid content of the waste without creating blockages or excessive wear.
We offer a full range of efficient and cost effective Effluent Handling Equipment and Machinery, including Manure Pumps, Pontoons & Stirrers, Pond Agitators & Liquid Manure Spreaders.
We can also repair your existing effluent handling equipment.
Click on pictures to enlarge.
Green2go™ Livestock Manure Pond Treatment
An effective bacterial blend specially formulated to decrease odours, solids & sludge accumulation in animal effluent ponds.
No toxic chemicals.
Reduces the need for invasive & costly machinery.